Sunday, March 29, 2009

An Afternoon of Golf

John and I on the golf course

My mom and step-dad, John, came to visit last week. One day I was able to play golf with John and Billy, but since I haven't hit a golf ball since October 4th I played REALLY BAD!

It was sad, frustrating and aggravating, however, despite those emotions this is a game that one returns to play again. WHY????? I have yet to figure that out. Maybe it is the challenge. Maybe it's the surrounding acres of plush green grass with trees and water. Whatever the reason it is a game that I will continue to play regardless of how badly I perform. Billy waiting his turn to hit. He really is a good golfer.

John putting

AAAHHHHH the last hole. Billy said I played more like "Tony the Tiger" than Tiger Woods. I don't care - I think I did GGGRRRRREEEAAAAAAAT!!!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Miracle of Life

One of my favorite songs by Hillary Weeks begins, “I haven’t seen His face, but I have seen His miracles”. This week I witnessed many miracles that testified to me that there is a God in Heaven, and His creation of the human body is the greatest of those miracles.

One afternoon I stood beside several surgeons as they performed an operation to harvest organs from a deceased individual. This individual had chosen to be an organ donor so several very grateful recipients would be receiving the gift of life. I marveled at the workings of the human body as I watched the heart continually beat in the body where it had been created. This heart had sustained the life of one individual for many years, but would soon be housed in another body to support a new life. It was amazing to watch surgeons work in synchrony to remove the organs in a timely fashion in order to preserve the life of another.

As I have studied and learned about the human body I have no doubt that we are children of a Heavenly Father who is divinely intelligent. The complexity of the body’s physiology leaves me in awe of its Creator. Each organ was designed with its own purpose, but together they unite in a common cause to maintain a homeostasis environment.

The body seemingly so fragile has been designed to withstand injury, abuse, and illness, so it may in many cases cure, repair and restore itself. I know of no man- made mechanism which duplicates such a design. We often walk around every day never really giving much thought to this amazing creation that houses our spirits. Our vehicles get lubed, oiled and tuned up every so many miles, and we make sure they are running smoothly so never to break down. Do we offer our bodies the same care and attention?

In the course of my studies I have become very aware that God has given “man” the inspiration, knowledge, and skill to develop the medical technology needed to treat diseases, so in many instances life may be prolonged. Each day as I witness doctors, nurses and other medical professionals performing life sustaining procedures I am acutely aware of the gift of life and how blessed I am to live in age of such medical advancement.

Monday, March 9, 2009

My Sweet Cowboy

Josh and Max

I went to watch Josh rope this weekend. I've been trying to get some good action shots of him, but I'm not very good with my camera yet. I'm not even sure my camera can capture good action shots. It's just fun to be out at the corrals with Josh and watch him in an environment where he feels totaly natural. I love this kid. He is definitely a gift.

Josh roping a steer

Sometimes I get a chance to ride Josh's horse, Max. I love to ride, and this horse is the most gentle horse. He is perfect for me.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Desert Hike

Today Billy and I went on a hike in the desert behind Boulder City. We walked far back into the hills for hours. It was a lot of fun and it was nice to enjoy the sounds and smells of nature. I have posted some pictures that we took during our walk.

(Mom, it's not exactly the "Greenbelt" but I guess you can find some beauty in the desert if you look really hard. Hopefully this time next year I WILL be walking on the Greenbelt feeding the ducks and ooohhhing and awwwing over the new little hatchlings, and I bet I won't see ONE reptile. Keep your fingers crossed.)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring in My Front Yard

Spring has arrived here in Las Vegas. I love this time of year as the world seems to reemerge from a lengthy slumber. Trees comes alive with flamboyant blossoms radiating fragrances that invite insects to a feast of nectar. The resurrection of life is symbolic as the warmth of the sun permeates each living organism producing a transformation that exhibits loveliness and splendor.
The beauty of the blossoms will eventually fade as the tree evolves from its springtime infancy. The blossoms come in various sizes and colors depending on the species of tree, but each exhibit their own unique beauty. I am grateful for the seasons of life each with its own purpose and charm.