Today began with more discouragement and I just felt like I would never be able to learn all I needed to in order to be a good therapist. This rotation has been the most challenging for me and as much as I want to give up and run I realize that I have to endure these difficult times. I don't like it and I don't want to be there, but it's too late to turn back now.
At lunch today there was a sign in the cafeteria that said..............
I thought how appropriate it was for how I was feeling about this rotation. I can either allow the boulder in my path to block my way or I can use it to lift me higher. The situation as UMC is not going to change - I must be the one to change how I look at this experience. So, yes, it's tough. But, I like what Wilma Rudolf said,
"The triumph cannot be had without the struggle"