Saturday, September 6, 2008

Good Bye St. Rose

Today was my last day of my first clinicial rotation. I am sad to see it end. I loved every minute of it, and besides being a wife and mother it has been the most rewarding experience of my life. I never felt so close to God than I have these past few weeks.
I witnessed birth and death. I saw pain and joy. I laughed and I cried. I taught and I learned. I truly believe I have developed a greater love for my fellow man. I have realized how important it is to be kind and compassionate and without judgement. We are all sons and daughters of God with a divine heritage. We need to recognize our value as human beings and treat each other with respect and dignity despite our differences.
I will never forget these past six weeks. I will never forget my new friends, Terri, Justin, and Tony who helped me learn the skills I need to become a good Respiratory Therapist. I appreciate their patience, their humor and of course Justin's fun cheerful attitude. NOT! I will miss the patients in the green gowns, the $19,000 bowl of fruit (from the cafeteria), Justin's Pico De Gallo and all the laughter. It was so much fun. I definitely have chosen the right field for me.

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