Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Family spotlight: Jesse, Stephanie, Abby and Savannah

I am so lucky to be able to say that these two little angels are my granddaughters. The one on the left is Abigail (Abby) and the one on the right is Savannah. I thought it was nice of my son and daughter-in-law to have two babies at one time since I need to catch up with my friends when it comes to the number of grand kids I have. It would be nice if Jesse and Stephanie would always have two at a time - but Stephanie is probably asking, "nice for whom"? So we won't mention to her that I will secretly wish for twins every time she gets pregnant.

Seriously though, Stephanie is the most amazing mother and has impressed me over and over at how she has handled having multiples. It is evident in the faces of Abby and Savannah that they have a great mommy and daddy. Stephanie is a natural at motherhood and I couldn't have asked for a better young women to be my son's wife. It is very fun to watch the two of them as they work together to take care of the babies - it's as if they have it all synchronized and it just flows. They are amazing.
Jesse and Stephanie are living in Orem right now but soon will be moving to Pocatello, Idaho where Jesse will be attending Idaho State University's physical therapy program. They are very excited for their adventure to a new place, but I feel a little sad that they will now be even farther away. Thank goodness we live in an age of technology which brings us all closer via, cell phones, and video. Of course Allegiant Airlines now flies directly from Las Vegas to Idaho Falls so that will make it a little easier to visit. They will be in Idaho Falls for three years while Jesse attends school. They will then decide where they will settle. Someplace close to me I hope. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! They are so cute!!! I still wish they were identical!! :D :D :D