Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring in My Front Yard

Spring has arrived here in Las Vegas. I love this time of year as the world seems to reemerge from a lengthy slumber. Trees comes alive with flamboyant blossoms radiating fragrances that invite insects to a feast of nectar. The resurrection of life is symbolic as the warmth of the sun permeates each living organism producing a transformation that exhibits loveliness and splendor.
The beauty of the blossoms will eventually fade as the tree evolves from its springtime infancy. The blossoms come in various sizes and colors depending on the species of tree, but each exhibit their own unique beauty. I am grateful for the seasons of life each with its own purpose and charm.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Robin, I love the pictures and also the music. Now, how do I register for my free, surprise gift?

Love, Mom